
A bespoke manufacturing optimisation solution in order to drive performance.

Rotating Equipment Optimisation
Rotating Equipment Optimisation

Our solution to keeping your rotating equipment machines online

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Cost driven solutions

In today’s manufacturing environment the key features are around driving productivity at the lowest possible cost, plants are coming under intense pressure to reduce budgets, while increasing the output.

Meastim realise that optimised plants are key to the success within output and costs, as part of this drive, Meastim focus on project delivery, monitoring and optimisation of your plants.

Using Meastim’s years of industry experience we can help to tailor a solution towards your plant in order to maximise productivity and minimise downtime whether that be through monitoring and optimising your production line through Convalis or taking care of your machines through our Rotating Equipment Optimisation.

Meastim is a company focused on delivering solutions that combine and drive an increase in productivity.

Our mission is to provide solutions and services that will deliver a step change for productivity.


Convalis is a flexible bespoke monitoring solution that is designed to optimise plant productivity.

Rotating Equipment Optimisation

Using industry-leading sensors prebuilt into rotating equipment equipt with our bespoke software keeps your plant running.

The Figures

0 %*
Lower labor costs
0 %
Clean renewable energy
0 %*
Decrease in machine downtime
0 %*
Increase in productivity