Onlline Condition Monitoring
Online Condition Monitoring

A monitoring platform that helps to protect your rotating equipment

Online Greasing

A solution to automatically grease machines based on data in order to improve performance

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Online Condition Monitoring

Online condition monitoring is the use of automated systems in order to gather data and statistics about machine health and make changes based on certain rules. Through the use of condition monitoring, downtime is minimised by finding the optimum time to do maintenance, if something is currently failing.

One of the major challenges around online condition monitoring roll out is the cost. Based on these challenges, Meastim have developed a new solution to ensure the current high cost of online condition monitoring deployment is changed and this technology can be adopted on all machinery.

Meastim have solved this problem with a new generation of hardware and MEM (Micro-electromechanical Systems) sensors.

This form of technology has gone through a number of changes over the years and is now capable of monitoring machinery and providing reliable data to help users make the correct decisions on their equipment.


0 %*
More throughput capacity (up to)
0 %*
Less energy consumption up to
0 %*
Lower labor costs (up to)
0 %
Lower spare parts inventory

Online Greasing

0 %*
More throughput capacity (up to)
0 %
Less energy consumption up to
0 %*
Lower labor costs (up to)
0 %
Lower spare parts inventory

Greasing is vital for any machines health in order to prevent production from stopping as well as maintaining safety throughout the plant, automatically greasing machinery based on data detected by sensors not only increases production by increasing the performance of the bearing but also removes the time for a maintenance technician having to check manually and grease a part.


Meastim have designed and developed a new hardware and software solution specific for rotating machinery. Meastim can now grease your machinery based on vibration levels, machine speed and machine run hours and as a result calculate when greasing is needed and how much is needed. As a result you no longer need to worry about under or over greasing.